Call for Proposals of local projects providing dental treatments and other supports to leprosy patients in Asia for FY2025 (Deadline: January 24, 2025)

Application documents (Right click and choose “Save target as” to download.
ACT Grant Guidelines FY2025 (Umemoto Fund) [PDF]
ACT Application Format FY2025 (Umemoto Fund) [WORD]
ACT Budget Form FY2025 (Umemoto Fund) [EXCEL]
Please note that ACT will accept only one project proposal from the same organization. If you apply in other project categories of ACT (either of the following categories), you will not be able to apply in this category.
* Education and Youth Development (Scholarship or Non-scholarship type project)
* Agriculture and Rural Development/Health and Medicine
* Local Projects by Asian Alumni of Japanese Universities and Training Institutions

About the Umemoto Memorial Fund for Dental Service in Asia

The Asian Community Trust (ACT) aims to build a “Bridge of Mutual Help and Resource Sharing” in civil societies across Asia. To pursue this aim, ACT assists projects developed by local people’s groups, NGOs and other civil society organizations with the purpose of improving people’s quality of life in their own communities and sharing their successes with others.

In June 1983, a special fund called  The Umemoto Memorial Fund for Dental Service in Asia “ was created within ACT.

The Umemoto fund supports projects which fit to one more of the following categories:

  • Sending a group/groups of medical experts in Japan to provide dental treatments to leprosy patients in developing countries in Asia (*)
  • Providing dental treatments to leprosy patients in developing countries in Asia (*)
  • Disseminating information related to sanitation to eradicate leprosy in developing countries in Asia (* Please refer to “3. Countries of Focus”)
  • Other kind of activities/activity to support leprosy patients and their families/communities in developing countries in Asia

ACT Secretariat now welcomes proposals for local projects which fits to either of the above mentioned categories. The project should be concerned with the following:

Note1: Due to limited financial resources, ACT presently focuses on the following countries: the Philippines, Cambodia, and Indonesia. However, applicants who are from either of the “Countries in Asia” written below and plan to implement either of the activities written in the above-mentioned “1. Area of Focus”, please contact to the ACT Secretariat.

Countries in Asia (as defined by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)) that are eligible to apply for an ACT grant are the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) recipient countries, namely Cambodia, Nepal, Bangladesh, East Timor, Bhutan, Myanmar, Maldives, Laos, Pakistan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, the Philippines, Mongolia, and Malaysia.

Note2: Average amount of the grant ranges up to 2,000,000 Japanese Yen (per year and per project). For more details about the budget ceiling, please contact ACT’s project officer in charge before you finalize the budget.
Administrative costs may be covered depending on the status of applicant organizations.

Deadline for Application

January 24, 2025 (Friday) (for new applicants)

Interested parties are requested to send their project proposals directly to the Tokyo ACT Office by 23:59 of January 24th, 2025 (Friday), Japan time, by e-mail.

Please send your proposals to:

The Asian Community Trust
The Executive Secretariat
c/o Asian Community Center 21 (ACC21)
ABK Bldg., 1F., 2-12-13 Honkomagome Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 113-8642
Tel: 81-3-3945-2615 Fax: 81-3-3945-2692
E-mail: act-grants [at]